Hey, Y’all!  I’m Daniel Mathis, and I’m not a minimalist.  That’s not because I don’t appreciate minimalism–in fact, I dabbled with it for a while.  But I ultimately realized that for me minimalism was a constant battle because collecting is in my blood…and so why fight it?  It’s what I love to do.  So, I just completely gave in to my passion, and have been collecting with reckless abandon ever since.

Somewhat recently, I started sharing photos of my home and collections on Instagram, and things sort of took off from there.  I’ve connected with tons of collectors from around the world, and I’ve even gotten to be featured in a few magazines!  As part of this process, I’ve been forced to examine my “maximalist style,” think about how I “do what it is that I do” in my home, and critically evaluate my collecting preferences and decorating style.  To be clear, I’m not a professional designer–in fact I’m a lawyer by day–I just love decorating in my own vintage maximalism style, including many large collections.

I decided to create this website as a landing page for blogs, articles, photos of my collections and home, and just whatever else that strikes my fancy.  I’m glad you found me, and I hope you enjoy what you see.  Happy collecting!

Daniel Mathis